This movie is, of course, incredibly funny. In that classic Mel Brooks type way, the super meta ending felt completely earned, the ridiculousness of the townspeople, the governor, and the badguy making his minions pledge allegiance to evil were amazing. Most of what makes this movie funny though are individual moments, visual gags, and one-off jokes, like them luring the Klansmen, or “you know…morons”, or one of the henchmen’s horses tripping and falling into a mud puddle.
For a movie that sounds very much like it’s of its time, it’s a pretty progressive movie. I know gay couples that are straighter than whatever Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little have going on, (although Bart seems bi?) and the satire of racism feels ahead of its time.
There’s a lot that I feel goes over my head, Blazing Saddles came out almost two decades before I was born, and I’m not a classic Western fan. The saloon singer’s performance feels like a reference I’m too young to get, I had to look up Jessie Owens to remind myself, but even with all that, I still ended up laughed my head off.