Kat Bradley

Kat and Kas’ Spooky October Horror Bonanza Night 13 Review: Midsommar

So Kas had seen this one and I hadn’t. Midsommar is a weird cult story that makes me wish my people (white vaguely Scottish/Irish people) had more culture and legend (or at least that I knew our mythology better). At least I have mental illnesses and queerness to enrich my perspective (hooray?). There are a

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Kat and Kas’ Spooky October Horror Bonanza Day 9: Immaculate

Immaculate was one of the creepiest so far. The movie successfully balanced a lot of unsettling elements while intentionally refusing to prove something was definitely wrong.  Her not knowing the language, the dreary settling, the one girl that didn’t like her for no reason: you know something is wrong with this place, but not what

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Kat and Kas’ Spooky October Horror Bonanza Night 5 Review: The Watchers

WTF did I just watch? How did they pay for the bus? Where is John? Why don’t the changelings look like people? What does “follow the birds” mean? Why did she name him “Darwin”? Why are the birds both harbingers of ruin and salvation? Are they all murderers? How did the old lady learn the

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Kat and Kas’ Spooky October Horror Bonanza Night 3 Review: The Visit

The Visit was a weird one. It fails where you’d think it would succeed, and succeeds where you think it would fail. One of the biggest problems with The Visit is it doesn’t fully commit to the medium. For instance, the girl’s relationship with her documentary, her art, is never made clear. How does she

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Kat and Kas’ Spooky October Horror Bonanza Night 1 Review: Late Night with the Devil

Late Night with the Devil is a highly stylized experience for the indie horror cinephile. While it’s not the scariest movie we’ve seen this year, it’s definitely a confident and well-told story that knows what it wants to be. It utilizes classic, practical effects (as well as digital effects) which fit the 70s aesthetic and

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